Apply to Speak at Super Forum 2024
You may have heard that planning for Super Forum 2024 (April 10-12, 2024 at National Harbor, MD) is underway and we need your help to make it a success. We know you have had a busy year - full of successes and lessons learned - and we want you to share your stories by applying to be a speaker at Super Forum 2024. In line…
Video libraries?
Is anyone utilizing a tool to create a video library that is accessible and searchable on their community? I know you can embed videos into KB articles, but that doesn't work when we have a library of 40 videos we want to share.
Public vs Private Communities 🔐
Most communities I’ve worked with have had some sections of the communities available to the public (i.e., guest users aka anyone not logged in to the community), and some sections that are member-only or only visible to specific roles. It can generate some buzz to have exclusive content, but it can also be a bit of a…
What kind of leaderboards are right for your community?
Leaderboards are a great way for users to get feedback on what kind of impact they are having on your community – but how to best leverage them can be a hot topic. If you don’t have leaderboards set up in your community yet, check out this article. Who should be on the leaderboard? For many communities, it makes sense to…
#TipTuesday: Choose Your Community's Tone
"They may forget what you said – but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Carl W. Buehner When I help community managers write their guidelines, I emphasize that they should focus on desired behavior, using “don’t” only when necessary. Higher Logic's philosophy is, “We are all about people, so let’s talk like…
Weekly or Monthly Roundups - Who's doing them for their communities or their staff?
I've been chatting with a lot of folks about our new Email Digest feature lately and a topic that often comes up is the difference between an Email Digest and a Roundup. My take on this is that the Email Digest is something automatic that brings in the best posts from categories that a particular user follows and cares…
HLV Connect: Community & Customer Success: Mythbuster Edition!
Join us on Tuesday, August 15 at 2pm EST as we take a look at some of the common 'myths' used when talking about Customer Success and Community. Whether you are a Community Manager looking to help your internal stakeholders understand the value Community can bring, or a Customer Success professional wanting to understand…
Best practices for managing duplicate questions
We have been running an instance of Vanilla forums for over a year. One of the things I would like to figure out is what to do with duplicate questions. 1. Link existing related posts What I have been doing is copying date URLs from other posts to help answer questions. This works but I would prefer to get search results…
Recording of HL Vanilla Connect - Customer Success & Community
Hello, good day to all. Yesterday session was very fruitful to me HL Vanilla Connect - Customer Success & Community. Really inspiring and the topic discussed was really matched with our community planning. However, I would like to rewatch the session. May I know when it will be uploaded? I might forget some of the points…
☀️ July Success Community Roundup!
Hellloooo Success Community! 👋 It's time for another Community Roundup! As July wraps up, we’ve seen some really great posts in this community lately and I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss a thing!! 🔥 Email digest is available for preview! It’s finally here and ready for preview in this community, make sure that you…