Documentation Updates - Keeping You Informed

Troy HLV Staff

In order to keep you better informed about changes to the Vanilla knowledge base, we've created a new Category here in the Success community: Documentation Updates.

Here's a quick summary of how this will work and the benefits it can provide to you:

What's the purpose of this Category?

To ensure you know about, and have access to, the latest Vanilla documentation in an easy-to-digest format. We will post about new articles, updates to existing articles, and other significant knowledge base changes (e.g., adding a new section or reorganizing content).

How often will you be posting?

Likely every week or two, or when a worthwhile amount of updates have occurred.

How can I stay updated about new posts?

If this sounds beneficial to you, we recommend Following this Category and opting to receive notifications; this way, you won't miss a single update about Vanilla's product documentation.

✔️ TIP: Check out this article to learn how to Follow Categories and subscribe to notifications.