Any advice for inviting customers to new community?
Hey all, We recently launched our new community, Woohoo! We're thinking of ways to remind our customers of the new change. Has anyone had success with creative ways to re-invite customers to your new community? Thanks for all of your help!
Using Groups for research, any insight?
Hi everyone! Asking in this group to see if any other Community Managers are using the groups function in their forum spaces to conduct research? Our research team is interested in creating groups for some of our Beta testers of our product. (we've usually conducted these groups on Facebook) I was wondering if anyone had…
Customer portals - best practices?
Hi, do you have a portal outside of vanilla that your customers use? This could be where they'd search KPS articles, enter support tickets, gain access to help files, download the latest software update, or direct themselves to an LMS platform. We use Salesforce for this and I'm curious if anyone else uses Salesforce for…
A place for fun?
Hello, I'm thinking of adding a spot in our community for folks to have fun. So posting things like happy hour games. Has anyone done this? Is it successful? Let me know. Thanks!!
What are your community KPIs?
Howdy folks - Wondering what some of your community KPIs are? Looking for examples to compare with ours and to get new ideas!
Nominations for Champions of Community Awards
Hello Friends, Throughout the year, you’ve been creating memorable experiences and driving business outcomes through your community. It's time to get recognized! We want to celebrate you, your team, and what you’ve accomplished! We want to put your name on a billboard (so to speak) - or fly one of those banners across the…
Featured collections widget in categories
Can you add the featured collections widget to a category page? We have a category in our community that houses templates and I'd like to feature 3 collections of the specific template discussions at the top of the page. Below is a very (very) crude mock-up of what I'd like to do. This is on the homepage of our staging…
How do you communicate how your ideas board works?
Hi everyone, I wanted to pick the hive-mind about something. Our community started as an Ideas Board only, but with the move to Vanilla, we've been trying to expand the use case. We now use it as a space for users to ask each other (and us) questions, we offer previews into upcoming feature enhancements (including the…
Accessibility Tools
Howdy! Just sharing these accessibility tools from "that guy" on our team that does this for our website, etc. in case they're helpful for any of you who are in the same boat trying to apply this stuff to your communities! Color Contrast Guidelines Color Contrast Checker Hover Accessibility Tips: Make sure hover links…
Product ideas/feature requests in community 🧐
Hi all, I'm looking into adding a product idea section to our community. We're using our community as part of our scaled CS motion. So basically this would give customers in that segment a way to surface feature requests since the traditional way would be directly to a CSM. I'm curious how other teams manage these…