⏳️ AVAILABILITY: This plugin will be available with release 2024.007. It will be available in the new custom Discussion Thread layout and on legacy pages.
This plugin makes it possible for users with the staff.allow
permission to escalate a post to Jira as an issue.
Enable and configure the plugin
The plugin has to be enabled and configured as described below.
⚠️ IMPORTANT: While in "beta," the plugin has to be enabled on your community by Vanilla staff in order to make it visible on the Vanilla Addons page. Contact Vanilla Support for assistance.
1. Enable the plugin on the Vanilla Addons page (Dashboard > Settings > Addons > Addons)
- Slide the toggle to the right to enable it. A confirmation displays in the lower left of the screen.
1. Click the settings icon (shown above) and, on the Jira Settings page, specify values that are unique to your Jira account:
- Jira URL: URL of the Jira site (e.g., https://experiment626.atlassian.net)
- Reporter Email: Email address of a registered user on the Jira site who has permissions to browse projects and create issues.
- The create-issue permission is per project and will determine which projects are available for the user to select from when escalating a post to Jira.
- Jira API Token: The Reporter must create an API token in Jira (refer to the link below) and add it in this field in order to be able to connect.
2. Click Save.
To learn how to create an API token, see:
Regarding Creating tickets from posts
- The reporter must have permissions to create issues on a project in order for the project to be available in the options menu.
- The post will be added to the description by default in Rich format. But when saving to Jira some formatting will be lost.
- Spoilers will be converted to Note panels and be exposed.
- Rich embed (videos, images, files, etc.) will be converted to links back to Vanilla.
- Mentions will be converted to a link back to the user's Vanilla profile.
- The description will also include:
- the title of the post as a link back to the original post;
- the name of the poster as a link to their Vanilla profile; and
- the email of the poster as an email link.
- Fields that are set as required in Jira must also be added to a screen in order for it to display in the form. Even if configured as a required field, they are not exposed unless assigned to a screen in Jira.