A Guide to Vanilla Knowledge
Vanilla Knowledge is a feature that you can use to create custom knowledge bases in and for your Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) community. Highlights Vanilla gives you the ability to: create either of two types of knowledge base ( KB ) to ensure you can offer whichever better suits the needs of your community. Refer to…
Account Password Overview
This article covers everything you need to know about passwords in Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla). Password requirements Password strength is determined by its length. The default minimum password length is 12. Numbers and special characters (!, @, etc.) are not required. Are these default requirements strong enough for my…
Add to Collection Feature
Is there specific content across your Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) community you want to group together in order to easily present it to your users? With the Add to Collection feature, you can create curated feeds of content for your custom layouts. In this article, we'll walk you through the process. 📝 NOTE: Currently,…
Addons in Vanilla
This article provides a high-level look at the various addons that are available in Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla). Addons notes Availability - Many of these addons' availability is restricted by plan level. If you're uncertain whether your plan includes a specific addon, contact your CSM or Vanilla Support. Enabling - If…
Addons Overview
In Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla), an addon (also known as a plugin) is a feature or tool that can be added to your Vanilla community to customize and enhance the overall experience. Some addons are geared toward community users . An addon might, for example, give them more profile-avatar options by means of adding an…
Advanced Editor
Advanced Editor provides a set of formatting and style controls that can be used to customize the appearance of a discussion post. ⚠️ IMPORTANT: The Advanced Editor has been moved to the Maintenance stage. Customers who are using it can continue to do so; however, Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) recommends switching over…
Advanced Logging with Event Log
⚠️ IMPORTANT: The functionality that is described in this article has been replaced by the Audit Logger, which is available on the Audit Logs page in the Dashboard (Settings > Technical > Audit Log). Your Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) community has additional event logging for auditing purposes. 📝 NOTE: Event logging is…
AI Suggested Answers (Beta)
⏳️ BETA: This feature is not yet available in all Vanilla communities. It is currently in a beta state and limited to beta testers. This note will be removed and the title updated when the feature is globally available. In addition, you must contact Vanilla Support and request this feature be enabled for your community.…
Allow Third-party Script Execution
To enhance the flexibility and security of your Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) community when incorporating third-party content, Vanilla provides an option to conditionally include the "strict-dynamic" directive in your community's Content Security Policy (CSP). This allows you to effortlessly manage scripts and their…
An Overview of Vanilla Integrations
Your Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) community integrates with a number of third-party applications, some of which you might already be using. Vanilla's ability to integrate with other applications means that you can more easily share information between multiple systems and, in some cases, centralize your data management.…