As you work with your community's analytics (in either Advanced Analytics or Analytics Dashboard), you might encounter terms that you're not familiar with or are unclear how they apply to a Dashboard or Chart.
✔️ TIP: Most of these terms are common across the community experience.
This article lists and describes some of the more common terms and it is provided here as a quick reference as you work in analytics in order to better understand the data that are represented in charts.
Terms and descriptions
Active User - This is a signed-in user who has made at least one page view in a particular time span.
Guests - These are users who are not signed in. Guests are not included in Active User counts.
Post - A "post" is any user-generated content in your community.
- Discussions, Questions, Polls, Ideas, or Events are types of posts.
- Comments and Answers are also types of posts but are considered "follow-up content" (reply) to a post.
✔️ TIP: To learn about posts, see the Posting & Content category in our knowledge base.
Role Type - There are four Role Types and they match a user's highest permission level.
✔️ TIP: To learn about Role Types, see Roles & Permissions.
admin - Abbreviation for Administrator; these are users who have the Garden.Settings.Manage
cm - Abbreviation for Community Manager; these are users who have the Garden.Community.Manage
mod - Abbreviation for Moderator; these are users who have the Garden.Moderation.Manage
member - all other users who do not have one of the above-mentioned permissions.