š NOTE: It is assumed you know how to create custom Dashboards and Charts, and have an understanding of chart Types, Presets, and Metrics. If not,Ā read this articleĀ before proceeding.
When building your own Dashboard Charts, you can pull data from variousĀ data sourcesĀ to view different types of analytics events.
- In this article, we're going to focus on theĀ PointsĀ data source.
The Points data source tracks each time a user earns points in your Higher Logic Vanilla community through:
š NOTE: Only users who receive a reaction to their content earn points; users who react to content do not.
Filter Chart data
Controlling what data is shown in a Chart is accomplished via theĀ Group ByĀ andĀ FilterĀ options.
- TheĀ Group ByĀ options (available for pie graphs, line graphs, bar graphs, and tables) enable you to view data by points data by user, subcommunity, Category, country, and more.
- You can addĀ FiltersĀ to your query toĀ drill intoĀ orĀ excludeĀ specific types of events (e.g., exclude staff Roles from points data or focus your Chart on points earned in a specific Subcommunity).
āļøĀ TIP: You can add one or multiple Group By and Filter options to dissect the data how you see fit. Generally speaking, you'll select Group By options to view a specific slice of data, and, if needed, use Filters to dig deeper.
Let's learn about the available Group By and Filter options.
šĀ NOTE: These options can be used both to group and filter data.
For each Points event logged, the following information is available about two types of users:
- Receiving User - the user who's content was reacted to and who, therefore, earned points
- Reacting User - the user who reacted to another user's content; this action does not earn points but can be reported on
Use the following parameters to report on Points data.
- Country and Country Code
- Receiving User Name
- Receiving User ID
- Reacting User Name
- Reacting User Rank
- Reacting User Role Type, Reacting User Role Name, and Reacting User Role ID
- Reacting User ID
- Reacting User UUID
For each event logged, the following information is provided:
- the number of Points Given
- the Points Source; this can include:
Category, Subcommunity, & Site Section
- When points are earned via Q&A, Reactions, and Posts, the Category Name is logged, allowing you to track how many points users have been awarded per category.
- Points earned via Badges don't have an associated Category or Subcommunity because these points are considered global.
- If you're using Subcommunities, the Subcommunity Name and Subcommunity ID are logged. This enables you to track how many points users have been awarded per Subcommunity.
- Site Section ID is used to identify a "product" ā if it is enabled and it's being used with Subcommunities. You could use this to tie a subcommunity to a Knowledge Base in order to identify an area of the community and a Knowledge Base that are focused on the same product line.
The following parameters can be used to group or filter Points data:
- Category Name
- Subcommunity Name
- Subcommunity ID
- Site Section ID