In the About section of a user's profile, their total number of visits and last active date is provided.
Visits are a "fuzzy statistic" that can't ever be 100% accurate because we have no way of knowing whether a person is actively using their device. With that said, a visit is calculated when a user is "away from the site" for at least 20 minutes, meaning:
- If the user closes the site, they will be considered away so the next time they browse to the site a new visit may be incremented.
- If the user leaves the site open in their browser, they will be considered away if the site isn't their active tab. This is to account for users who may have a long post open for more than 20 minutes. If you leave your browser open over night, you likely won't trigger a new visit.
This methodology is a heuristic that attempts to balance accuracy against the reality that people often leave browser tabs open for hours or even days at a time.