Attracting and Acquiring New Users
Managing communities on a large scale is all about making your customers or users super happy 😁, so they stick around and spread the good vibes about your product or service to everyone they know and love. But hey, every awesome community starts somewhere, right? So, if you're working at a startup in its early days or…
Tip Tuesday: Unlocking the Power of Vanilla's Moderation Tools
Hello, Vanilla Community Members! Creating a flourishing online community requires meticulous moderation. Vanilla has a ton of great tools at your disposal, and I wanted to put them all in one place for you to see what they are and how they work! User-Focused Tools: Reactions: Abuse/Spam Flags: Allows users to flag…
Running a community-improvement hackathon
Hi all, At Spryker we run developer hackathons where developers from our (partner/customer) ecosystem work on improving our software. This can be through submitting PRs on Github, building addons or using the API to create nice integrations. I was wondering if anyone has done something similar with their own community, but…
Language Translation Provider?
Hi all, We're looking to expand to meet the needs of our global community to include language translation - for all content, including member posts. Has anyone had success implementing software that integrates with Vanilla, that translates/localizes based on user location?
#TipTuesday: Open vs Private Communities – What's Right for your Community
Time for another #TipTuesday! Happy Tuesday, everyone! Are you presently faced with the decision between establishing an open or private community? If that's the case, you're in the right place for some valuable insights. Deciding whether to build an open or private community for your company depends on your specific…
Summarizing and synthesizing Ideas
Hello Vanilla hive-mind! I was wondering if anyone uses any integrations or tools to help summarize and synthesize data from their Ideation categories? My problem is this - we have a very big product with lots of different modules and we get a lot of product feedback. Every quarter I need to meet with the PMs of the…
Revamping Your Community Strategy - Live Event!
Building and maintaining a community is hard - we get it! So that's why we wanted to share our learnings from reviving our own community. The amazing @Shauna is teaming up with ChurnZero on Wednesday, September 20 to discuss our community journey and best practices for driving engagement. Register here!
Video libraries?
Is anyone utilizing a tool to create a video library that is accessible and searchable on their community? I know you can embed videos into KB articles, but that doesn't work when we have a library of 40 videos we want to share.
Public vs Private Communities 🔐
Most communities I’ve worked with have had some sections of the communities available to the public (i.e., guest users aka anyone not logged in to the community), and some sections that are member-only or only visible to specific roles. It can generate some buzz to have exclusive content, but it can also be a bit of a…
What kind of leaderboards are right for your community?
Leaderboards are a great way for users to get feedback on what kind of impact they are having on your community – but how to best leverage them can be a hot topic. If you don’t have leaderboards set up in your community yet, check out this article. Who should be on the leaderboard? For many communities, it makes sense to…