Community Interns
Howdy folks! I'm lucky enough to have a part-time intern supporting our community initiatives, and I'm about to onboard a new person (new person every semester!). I have not had trouble finding community maintenance work and other "meaty" projects to keep them busy, but just wondering... if any of you have interns, what…
Community Managers On The Move...?
As I was talking to our Vanilla support team today I mentioned that we're at a point now where we're considering hiring a community manager. It started me wondering if there is any type of group established here for just that sort of thing. In my line of work, we have a private (invitation only) group for leaders of a…
Custom Badges Design Website
My good buddy @kraeburn shared this site with me for creating custom badges https://badge.design/ Looks really cool - so thought I would share! Personally I have used https://www.canva.com/. What's your fave tool?
Unmark an answer as a solution
Hi dear friends! We are wondering how we can unmark an answer as a solution? We found out that we can unmark solutions on older posts (that have been migrated) via Log --> remove the solution. However, the "old" solution aka Accepted Answer seems to be treated like a reaction. For all newer solutions, we do not have the…
Vanilla Customers - 5 spots open for CommuniTEA Time!
Hello fellow community builders! We have 5 slots open for our CommuniTEA Time - a chance to connect with fellow Vanilla Customers and Community builders. We meet every 2nd Friday at 2 PM EDT. Click below to join before the slots are filled!
Best Practices for New Analytics Features
Hi everyone! We've recently been gifted a bunch of new analytics features (thanks Vanilla!), and I'm just wondering what filters and reports everyone is finding the most valuable. I'm particularly interested in the "by Subcommunity" filter since my community has two very separate subcommunity audiences. What data points…
New support category!!!! I can't post in it or see anything other than the moderator message
Not sure where to post this! @Adrian, I went to the new support category, and I can see it, BUT I cannot post. Is it still supposed to be inaccessible?
Content Calendars
Hi everyone 👋 I´d like to start a conversation and idea-sharing around content planning and which tools you are using to schedule your content. Soooo - what tools are you using? What's the good, the bad and the ugly you noticed? What is important to know or have? Thanks and looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Esther
New Year, New Certification?
Hello fellow community wizards! I'm thinking ahead to 2022 and setting some personal and professional goals for the year. Wondering...do any of you have or have experience with the Community Leaders Institute's CPCE (Community Professional Certification of Excellence)? I have a certification (CAE - Certified Association…
Ideas for creating a Beta Program
Recently I got a private request for advice from @Kalyani Kundalia, but I suggested we post here for the collective ideas of the community. I did so with her consent. Here is the question: "We are starting a new Community and I was looking for some ideas on how to get customers to sign up for the Beta program. Can you…