Hey all!
So, we know that analytics are a crucial part of community management, but it can be an area that many community managers struggle with.
I know that I have a standard set of analytics I look at weekly, monthly, and yearly:
- Total Members - how is growth doing?
- Active Members - how many members are logging in and doing something?
- Contributors - how many members are contributing content of some sort?
- Members Reacting - what is post engagement outside of comments like?
- Page View by Roles - what pages are my personas looking at?
- Discussions
- New Threads - how many new discussions are occuring?
- Comments - are posts getting responses?
- Time to First Comment - how long does it take for a response to come in?
- Search info - what are members looking for? Is it something that is found?
- KB article views - what content is getting traction? What content is not?
What are some of the metrics you track and what insights are you looking for?