How to get more deflection data


I'm struggling with my deflection data, the numbers as so low to get any decent ballpark figure.

  • Discussions: how to encourage users to mark an answer as accepted? I'm thinking of PMing each user a few days after a discussion has been answered to encourage them to mark it as accepted, but this is a lot of manual work. Does anyone use any automatic email system?
  • KB articles: we get 30k-ish in page views on the KB's alone every month, but only 1 or 2 votes if it was helpful or not. Our developer has added some colors to add pizzazz, but its not enough. Any way to encourage users to vote here?
  • Surveys: a pop up shows up after 10-20 seconds a user is on any page, which has increased deflection data, but not by much. We get about 1 response every 2 days, despite the visit traffic over 2 days being just under 700 visits. That's a response rate of 0,3% at best…

Thanks for your insights and feedback!



  • That's a good suggestion by @Genevieve P

    We do have a ROI calculator dashboard to help to quantify deflection but it's primarily a calculation based on pageviews and accepted answers that is fairly close to being released. @Shauna could share more about that. No one has a perfect science here for a few of the reasons you listed (does everyone say the article was helpful when it was in fact helpful?).

    Another angle to consider could be if you could show members vs non-members. Do you currently sync any activity back to your Salesforce CRM? If the members are in SF and you had that activity, you could build a report to compare members to non-members.

    ChurnZero did that with the integration they built with their own software in Vanilla and noted that community members submit 67% fewer product/support related questions to support versus non-members.

    @stephanierichardson @sophielyons I know your team uses Qualtrics like @LiselotteP 's team - have you found any tricks to get more responses?

  • LiselotteP
    LiselotteP Vanilla Ice Cream

    Thanks for these insights @sophielyons !