I'm struggling with my deflection data, the numbers as so low to get any decent ballpark figure.
- Discussions: how to encourage users to mark an answer as accepted? I'm thinking of PMing each user a few days after a discussion has been answered to encourage them to mark it as accepted, but this is a lot of manual work. Does anyone use any automatic email system?
- KB articles: we get 30k-ish in page views on the KB's alone every month, but only 1 or 2 votes if it was helpful or not. Our developer has added some colors to add pizzazz, but its not enough. Any way to encourage users to vote here?
- Surveys: a pop up shows up after 10-20 seconds a user is on any page, which has increased deflection data, but not by much. We get about 1 response every 2 days, despite the visit traffic over 2 days being just under 700 visits. That's a response rate of 0,3% at best…
Thanks for your insights and feedback!