Would you be willing to share your code of conduct and user guides for inspiration?
Hey @VirginiaButler here is an example of the guidelines we used for Vanilla Conversations
This is also the code of conduct we used for our event:
We used the Conference Code of Conduct Via Confcodeofconduct.com - which is used by many organizations as a starting point to then modify as needed.
Hi @VirginiaButler! We based our Community Rules off of Vanilla's, with a few tweaks to meet our needs. The idea was to keep them short and sweet, with no legalese that would scare anyone away! They're linked in the footer of our community and in our welcome category as well, because how often does anyone really read the terms & conditions language before just agreeing and moving on with their day!
Generative Engine Optimization? AIOs? The end of search as we know it? 2025 promises to be a long, strange year for SEO. If you’re wondering how to survive it, you’re not alone. Learn more about the key trends driving change in search, which ones teams will need to adapt to, and which ones are just scary acronyms you’re…
⭐️ Got something cool to share? Have a victory in your community and want to show off your accomplishments with fellow community builders? 🙋 Got questions? Bring your community, tactical and random questions and get answers from peers and Vanilla experts! 🗓 Join me and @paddykelly, and a group of your peers for our next…