#TIp Tuesday - Category as a Link

Heather Wendt
Heather Wendt HLV Staff
edited September 20 in Talk Community #1

Hey all! One of Vanilla's capabilities allows you to use categories as a link.

You may be asking yourself "how does that help me with anything?"

Well, it turns out, it is a handy feature for certain use cases…

For example:

  • is there a specific set of KBs you want a particular persona to reference? You can create a category that links directly to a KB instead of being a place for discussions (one less click, anyone??)
  • is there a particular external resource or webpage you want someone to land on? Use this feature to make it easy
  • Is there a specific discussion you want your audience to see? Don't hope they find it (hope is not a strategy!)…put it front and center instead

The name of the game is always reducing friction for customers and community users, so if there is something that might take a handful of clicks in the normal set up, take a look at whether the Category as a Link feature might help reduce those clicks and simplify the experience!

So, the nitty gritty, in the weeds stuff:

Where do I find this?

If this has been enabled, you will see it when you set up a new category

If you aren't seeing it in your New Category set up page, you may need to enable it. Click Addons and find the Category as a Link option and toggle it on.

Be sure to reach out to support if you aren't seeing that as an option.

Hope this helps you build out a customer experience that cutomers can enjoy!

How are you using Category as a Link in your site? Would love to share a plethora of ideas here!
