Retrieving group member request comments
Is there a way to review what a community group member wrote in their initial request to join the group? One of our group members wants to access some of the comments from folks requesting to join to understand their knowledge base of the group topic.
Is this possible? If so, who can retrieve this information and how?
Yes! 🙂
As long as you haven't approved/rejected the user yet, you could use the API to get all of the requests and the text along with it. I do this currently with one of our groups.
The URL would look like this: Replace the "YOUR-URL" with your Community URL
- Replace the "groupnumber" with the number that appears in the URL after "group/" when you click on the group.
This will download a CSV file with up to 100 group access requests and their "Reason".That said, once they've been Approved or Rejected I'm not sure there's any way to see this information anymore. I hope this helps!
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