Higher Logic Vanilla Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Higher Logic Vanilla Community. This forum has been created so that our customers can converse, get support, exchange ideas and connect with anyone else using a Vanilla powered hosted community.
Every community has its own culture and boundaries and we are excited to create this space for you, but we also ask you review the below guidelines, before posting, as we expect all members to be familiar with them and will be held accountable for following them as well.
Community Guidelines
We are a company which embraces openness and diversity, and appreciate varied points of view in a respectful manner. To maintain a similar environment, in this community, we ask you extend the same courtesies to everyone participating here. We expect everyone to act with respect and to use proper judgement for a community for community builders. Just as you'd want your own community to behave, we ask the same of you.
Here are some things other consideration to remember when interacting in our community:
- This a safe space, so there are no dumb questions. Accept everyone has a different skill level.
- We ask you be respectful, friendly and sincere to all posters.
- We ask you to keep your posts relevant to the forum category, and not multi-post in various categories.
- We encourage you to use the Reactions (the little bar under every comment) to share your positive feedback with users.
- Share your experience and your knowledge. We can all learn something new!
- Have fun!
Here are some things we do not permit in the community:
- Do not post or link to information that is deceptive, fraudulent, threatening, libellous, harassing or hateful.
- Do not post or link to offensive or inappropriate content or content intended to be inflammatory, not safe for work (NSFW) content or any content that promotes or encourages illegal activities.
- Do not post copyrighted material unless you have the right to do so and with proper attribution. You may link to other Higher Logic Vanilla content in the community if it's appropriately attributed and relevant.
- Do not post or link to content that violates any person’s privacy rights.
- Do not post or link to confidential information.
- Do not misrepresent yourself or falsely imply any association to Higher Logic Vanilla
- Do not use the community for self-promotion, solicitation, or advertising of your business.
- Do not solicit community members privately for their personal contact information for any reason.
- Do not post or link to content that disparages Higher Logic Vanilla.
- Do not utilize or interact with the community in any way that violates the Vanilla Forums Terms of Service, you agreed to when joining the community.
- If you are using the open source version of Vanilla , we ask you use open.vanillaforums.com for any product or support issues with the open source version. You can find developer docs here: https://success.vanillaforums.com/kb/developers
In summary, use your common sense, treat others as you expect to be treated and help us build a great community experience for everyone.
We reserve the right to immediately remove any posts that does not conform to our guidelines without any warning. We also reserve the right to temporarily or permanently ban any member who violates these rules.
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