Oh hai! Question for you all:
How do you work with multiple teams moderating your communities, owning different areas of the forum… but only having one Unresolved queue to manage all posts in every category?
Do you:
- All use the same Unresolved list (ignoring each others categories in the list and skimming through to find your own)
- Resolve all posts regardless of Categories, then have categories that are owned by specific people send email alerts to those "owners"
Or do your Moderators simply own content across your entire site, with no set lanes of ownership?
OUR SCENARIO for Context:
In our Community we have three lanes of ownership
- Support (90% of the content - questions on the product)
- Marketing (5% - engagement posts, campain-related, announcements, events)
- Product (5% - Product ideas and feature requests)
Since Support owns 90% of the content we use the Unresolved List as our primary queue to identify our workload. However as the other areas of our site are increasing in popularity, this can really muddy up our "list" of what needs to be done that day.
I've put in a feature request to be able to filter Categories by Resolved/Unresolved so each team could manage their list directly. Filter Category Discussion Lists by "Unresolved"
Checking the Release Notes - it looks like the New Discussion Layout pages WILL have the option to Filter by Unresolved, which is fantastic!