Preparing for my first AMA

LiselotteP Vanilla Ice Cream
edited August 30 in Talk Community #1


I am preparing for our first AMA session with a Product Manager.

Any tips and hints?

I've prepared 18 side questions that could help steer the discussion if the audience is silent.

So far I've got 10 participants registered - in your experience, what % of people actually show up?




  • Pratheek G
    Pratheek G Vanilla Flower


    60-75% of registered participants usually show up for our events. Since you said it's the first session, you can expect about 50% of registrants to attend. For my first similar session, I had 11 registrations and 8 people showed up. I was ready to go ahead even if only 5 attended. The key was to make those who do attend feel special. Chances are these attendees will sign up for future sessions because they felt valued.

    As a tip, try getting your event added to your registrants' calendars via CSMs or AMs. This extra step can significantly increase the chances of them attending. Best of luck with your AMA — you're going to do great!

  • LiselotteP
    LiselotteP Vanilla Ice Cream

    Thank you for your insights @Pratheek G! Big day for us tomorrow!

  • Rav Singh
    Rav Singh Vanilla Sundae

    Would be keen to hear how you go @LiselotteP

    Have wanted to do an AMA for the longest time but just never got around to it.

    Good luck! You'll do awesome!

  • LiselotteP
    LiselotteP Vanilla Ice Cream
    edited September 4 #5

    Hi all!

    What a success! Out of 13 registered, 9 showed up.

    I had prepared 18 back up questions - and needed none of them 🙌

    It was super interesting, as at first it was questions from Users to Product Manager, but towards the end of the 45 minute session, it became User to User.

    Out of the 9 attendees, only 3 asked questions, but that is to be expected.

    Looking forward to organizing more of these. Thank you for your encouragement!

  • That's great to hear @LiselotteP!

    Sounds like your users really benefited from the session, will you be posting the recording in your community for others to view?

    What did your Product Manager think of the session? Did they find it valuable as well?

  • LiselotteP
    LiselotteP Vanilla Ice Cream

    For this first session, I did not post the recording, even though interally staff did think it was a good idea to hype up the sessions.

    However, in my point of view, if you don't come - you don't get. It gives it a sense of exclusivity to those that do make the time to attend.

    What is your thoughts about this?

    Product Manager enjoyed the session, the feedback received, and wants to do another!