πŸ“Š πŸ† How to analyse points distribution in Excel/Google Sheets

Happy Wednesday, friends! πŸ€“

When reviewing and analyzing points distribution, one of the things I like to do is take an export of users, and use excel/google sheets to tell me how many users are in each rank so I can figure out if the current structure makes sense (or if a proposed structure would make more sense!

Once I've got an export (read more here: https://success.vanillaforums.com/kb/articles/594-export-csv-files-from-api-calls -- let me know if a quick video of this would be helpful to you!), I use a COUNTIF function in excel/google sheets to figure out the # of users within each range and then I can play with that data from there!

For example, if my table looks like this and the # of points is in column "C":

=COUNTIF(C:C,"<1")would tell me how many users have less than 1 point (i.e., none)

=COUNTIFS(C:C,">=1",C:C,"<=24")would tell me how many users have more than 1 point, but less than ore equal to 24 points

=COUNTIFS(C:C,">=25",C:C,"<=49") would tell me how many users have more than 25 points, but less than or equal to 49 points

=COUNTIF(C:C,">500") would tell me how many users have more than 500 points

I like to play with these numbers when looking at ranks to figure out where folks sit today and where they might be headed -- it's a great conversation starter to get you thinking about how you might encourage community members who are neither newbies or super users, but somewhere in between. Many communities put a ton of focus on newbies and onboarding and on super users, but we can't forget the "middle kids" either -- they are our super users to be, after all!

Do you analyze how many points your users have? Were you surprised by what you found? Any lessons learned?

Anyone else doing anything cool in excel with their community data? My little geeky heart would love to hear about it! πŸ€“
