Known Issues initiative launched!

Hello, everybody! Today, I'm happy to announce the launch of our new HL Vanilla Known Issues initiative.
In an effort to improve visibility into known issues that exist in the platform (i.e. bugs), we've begun publishing these to help you get the information you need quicker.
To that end, we have two main resources that are now available:
- Known Issues Reference List - A centralized list of known issues. Includes links to specific articles for individual issues and allows you to bookmark the post to receive notifications of updates.
- Known Issues Knowledge Base - Knowledge Base containing articles on all the issues in the above list. These articles will include additional information on the issue and any workarounds that are available.
Note that not all known issues are included — we've curated this list to be most helpful and relevant for the majority of our customers. For more information on this process please see our FAQ article on this initiative.
Finally, both of the above resources will be updated as issues are resolved going forward, and new issues added as necessary.
We hope that you will find this useful as our goal here was to make this information easily accessible to all our customers. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this initiative!
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