I'm thinking of adding a spot in our community for folks to have fun. So posting things like happy hour games. Has anyone done this? Is it successful? Let me know. Thanks!!
WOW! It took me a while to get the joke in the gif! Thank you!
I don't have a specific answer for you, but I have things you can think about.
I hope that helps a bit.
Hey @bmaue - First, I think Piper's answer is great and it about sums it up. Only thing I'd add on is, you may lose more than you gain. If people are coming into your community and seeing this kind of content, they may intuitively think 'this space isn't for me'. When people land on a Community, they take a very quick glance at what's there - if their eyes land on the fun content, instead of the content that adds value to them in their role or otherwise, they immediately register it as a negative.
You can solve for this by 'burying' the 'fun' content, but then, people need to seek it out and it likely won't work either.
These are all super helpful points. Thanks!
@bmaue We literally have a "Just for Fun" category! The #FurryFriday discussion is the most popular, with people sharing pet pics. It's not super active, but once in awhile someone will get a new puppy and share a pic. When they do, we send them a little care package with dog/cat-appropriate toys from a local company (West Paw)!
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