Documentation Updates - 04/01/24
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. New article: Share Posts & Comments Summary: Describes how to easily share links to posts and comments via the new Share options, along with the built-in analytics benefits. Link:…
Documentation Updates - 02/26/24
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. New article: Working with JavaScript Summary: New article outlining how and where you can use JavaScript in your Vanilla community and knowledge base.…
Documentation Updates - 02/08/24
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. Article update: External Search Summary: Documented ability to open external search results in a new tab, and clarified the setup process and user experience.…
Documentation Updates - 01/18/24
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. Article update: Create a Custom Layout Summary: Added a new heading to the article dedicated to Section Types, which includes two new ones: 3 Columns - Default and 3 Columns - Even.…
Documentation Updates - 12/19/23
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. New article: External Search Summary: External Search allows you to replace Vanilla's out-of-the-box search functionality (called Elastic Search) with a third-party service, such as…
Documentation Updates - 11/15/23
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. New article: Allow Third-party Script Execution Summary: Walks you through how to modify your community's Content Security Policy to trust additional scripts injected as…
Documentation Updates - 11/01/23
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. New article: Cloudflare Image Resize Summary: The Cloudflare Image Resize addon automatically generates several versions of each uploaded image and displays the most appropriate…
Documentation Updates - 10/24/23
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. New article: Zoom Events Integration Summary: Teaches you how to to sync your Zoom account to your Vanilla community and create Zoom-integrated events, enabling your members to…
Documentation Updates - 10/16/23
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. New article: Create & Manage Events Summary: Learn how to: create, view, and manage events; export lists of users who are interested in an event; and manage events in the…
Documentation Updates - 10/02/23
Listed below are the latest updates to the Vanilla knowledge base: ✔️ TIP: Consider following this Category to be notified about future posts. Action: Analytics documentation reorganization Summary: To make it easier to locate and browse our Analytics-related documentation, all Analytics articles have been moved into their…