Overview of Custom Page Layouts
Layout Editor enables you to create custom layouts that can be applied to various pages across your community. In this article, you'll learn: which pages across your community you can create custom layouts for, and the purpose and structure of each page layout available to you. This knowledge should help you more easily…
Create a Custom Layout
In this article, you'll learn the fundamentals of the Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) Layout Editor to obtain the skills necessary to create custom layouts. ✔️ TIP: You can copy your custom layouts to effortlessly replicate and tweak them, saving you time and effort when trying to create a consistent look or experiment with…
Apply Legacy & Custom Layouts
In this article, you'll learn how to apply legacy layouts (think of these as default layouts) and custom layouts to one or more of your community pages. Access your layouts Legacy and custom layouts are available in the Dashboard, via the Appearance tab > LAYOUTS section. Layouts are grouped by community area, in the…
Add & Configure Layout Editor Widgets
You can use Layout Editor to add custom pages to your Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) community. Vanilla makes it easy for you to customize the layout of your pages and to then populate the pages with content via a variety of widgets. ✔️ TIP: Consider testing these changes on your staging site before committing them to your…
Layout Editor Widgets
You can use Layout Editor to add custom pages to your Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) community. Vanilla makes it easy for you to customize the layout of your pages and to then populate the pages with content via a variety of widgets. Widgets are a great device in communities because they can host either static or dynamic…
Featured Content Collections
Is there specific content across your Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) community you want to group together in order to easily present it to your users? With the Add to Collection feature, you can create curated feeds of content for your custom layouts. In this article, we'll walk you through the process. 📝 NOTE: Currently,…