Branching and Pull Requests for Vanilla Cloud Self Development
This article is for Enterprise customers who have a self-development agreement with Vanilla Cloud. This article contains information regarding branch naming and pull requests so that your self-developed addons can be deployed to your site on Vanilla's cloud infrastructure. Localhost development You should do your self…
Install an Addon
In Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla), you can install addons by adding them to one of the following directories: /themes /plugins Install an addon by symlink Most addons have their source code managed in a virtual console system (VCS) tool like Git. Copying a directory would make it difficult to update in the future through…
Upgrading Self-Hosted Vanilla
Follow these steps to upgrade Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) when a new stable release is announced. 📝 NOTE: These instructions assume you’re using secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) to manually copy files to a server. ✔️ TIP: If your database is large (millions of users or comments), consider using maintenance…
Self-Hosting Basics
The Basics Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) requires a server with PHP, MySQL, and web server software (like Apache or nginx). You’ll likely need to own a domain, and already have it configured on your server with DNS. You typically need to create a database for it via your hosting provider, often via phpMyAdmin. Then,…
Localhost Setup Quickstart
Higher Logic Vanilla (Vanilla) only has one supported localhost installation configuration that is included as part of the main repository. Vanilla Docker Vanilla Docker is a self-contained, docker-compose setup providing: PHP MySQL Nginx Memcached Sphinx XDebug Local SSO & Embedding Stubs Prerequisites Brew installed…
Developer Tooling
Stacks Supported PHP 7.2 - 7.4 (as of Vanilla 3.3) Unix, Windows, or OSX nginx, Apache, or IIS MySQL, Percona, or MariaDB Cloud Stack PHP 7.2 nginx Percona HAProxy memcached Zend OPcache Sphinx OpenStack Developer Tools git Docker xdebug PHPUnit Composer CodeSniffer Hub CodeCov ChromaticQA Node 20.x Yarn PHP Libraries…