Knowlege-Base Article reactions event
As of release 2020.11 a javascript event (X-Vanilla-Article-Voted) is being fired on each user's reaction. This event is passing the article and knowledge-base records (see our docs) as well as the reaction vote registered (yes|no). Using X-Vanilla-Article-Voted event As a developer you can hook into this event, by just…
Get Information About The Current User With JavaScript
Do you want details about a currently signed in user so that you can spawn integrations with third-party libraries? Some examples of this are: You want to add a third-party chat application to your page and their provided snippet requires you to supply it with a username and email address. You have a third-party analytics…
Defer Javascript Loading Configuration
Starting in Release 2020.001 new Vanilla Sites defer script execution by default. Due to potential compatibility issues with existing Pockets & custom themes existing sites have the feature disabled. See the "What else needs to be done" section before enabling this for the first time. What is deferred script execution?…